Real deal
Here's an actual deal. Notice Felicity's skull-and-crossbones coasters.
I'll diagram it out for you:
Q 9 7 4
K Q 10 8 5
A Q 8
J 8 3 2
A 7 4
7 4 2
6 5 4
6 5
9 6 3
K 10 9 5
K Q J 3
A K 10
J 2
J 6 3
A 10 8 6 2
South (me) dealt. We played the hand twice, out of curiosity. I don't remember the exact bidding sequences -- Matos might -- but the first time South bid 4S and made two overtricks, and the second time South bid 3NT and made two overtricks, I seem to recall. How would you have bid it?
Matos interjects: I do remember the exact bidding sequence--or more accurately, I wrote it down.
First time around:
S: 1C
W: Pass
N: 1H
E: Pass
S: 1S
W: Pass
N: 2D
E: Pass
S: 2NT
All pass. N-S made 5.
Second time:
S: 1C
W: Pass
N: 2H
E: Pass
S: 2S
W: Pass
N: 4S
All pass. N-S made 6.
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