Seven Notrump

In which some people who play bridge blog about it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


After an interesting evening of exploring weak twos, I don't think we're at all ready to abandon the concept (as Caroline suggests) but one improvement at least is called for. The opener's rebid over a 2NT response to a weak-two opening, indicating a feature in a side suit, was not terribly useful. Mr. Harold Ogust agreed, and invented the Ogust convention (slightly modified below):

You open a six-card suit with a weak-two bid.

Your partner has 12+ points and likes the suit, and thinks you have a shot at game. To evaluate what a good final contract would be, she bids 2NT. This asks you to describe your hand as follows:

  • Respond 3C if you have minimum points and a poor suit (only one of the three top honors [AKQ] in your bid suit).
  • Respond 3D with minimum points and a good suit (two of the three top honors in your bid suit).
  • Respond 3H with maximum points and a poor suit.
  • Respond 3S with maximum points and a good suit.
  • Respond 3NT if you have all three top honors in your bid suit.

That information should allow responder to pick an appropriate contract in which to play.



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