The 18-21 Problem
How do you bid a hand with 18-21 high-card points? Under the strong-twos bidding system I learned from bridge-guru Alexa, one should jump-shift with a holding of 18-21 points: i.e., open one of a suit and then rebid with a jump (whee!) when the bidding comes around again.
The problem I find with this is that partner (and everyone else) often passes my opening, giving me no chance to show that strength by jump-shifting (jumping shift?), and leaving me in a 1-level contract with a powerful hand. For example:
A 9 2
5 3 2
J 10 7 6
9 7 5
K 8 3
J 9 8
K 9 4 2
10 6 4
J 10 7 4
10 7
A Q 5
Q 8 3 2
Q 6 5
A K Q 6 4
8 3
Sitting South I deal and open 1H, everyone passes, and there's no way to find the game contract we ought to be in.
A year or two ago I was sick of being passed. I therefore proposed a modification of the system wherein I can open 2 of a suit, thus forcing a response from my partner, if I have 18 good points. (Opening two of a suit was previously reserved for an even higher point count, and thus I almost never saw such an opening in action.)
My amateur modification seems to do more good than harm, but forcing a weak partner to talk isn't always beneficial to the contract. I wonder if there's a happy medium or a better workaround. Or heck, the other day I got stuck in 1D with 16 points -- maybe I ought to lower the barrier even further.
paul is retarded, but he likes diagrams and gesturing with his hands.
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