Seven Notrump

In which some people who play bridge blog about it.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Playing without a suit fit

From Craigslist:

If you like to play cards and want to learn to play bridge, then this might be for you. I teach a beginners bridge class for guys on Tuesday night. It is closes optional. Nudity is not required. It is clothes optional. It is NOT a sex group.

There are currently 7 guys in the group; 4 gay, 2 bi, and 1 straight. The purpsoe is to learn to play bridge in a relaxed environment. If interested drop me an email and I'll send you more information.

Who's to say it might not improve one's game? Unfetter the body and you unfetter the bidding! It also opens up a new range of ways that a bored dummy can pester the other players. I like Marya's suggestion though that they play with giant cards to maintain modesty.


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