Real Deal #2
Q 9 8 6 5 4 3 2
10 8 5
9 5
10 6 3 2
Q 10 8 6 5 4 2
Q 7 4 3
A Q 8 4
A 9 7
10 7
A K J 6 2
K J 7
K J 3
This was from a few weeks ago at Felicity's place. Paul took the picture (which he can post if he likes). Sadly, I don't remember the bidding very well. At first relooko, I had guessed that N-S wound up with a four-spade contract, but that's due to the photo emphasizing that combination. Now it looks something like a free-for-all--and if I'm remembering correctly, it was bid that way too. Given the proclivities of the group playing that night, particularly Caroline and myself, I'll wager there was a penalty double involved as well. How would you have bid this?
I was just the photographer, not a player on this one, so I don't remember anything about the bidding. 4S looks winnable but 5C not so much. Did someone go down doubled?
I think they might have--either that or it was made doubled. Since Caroline and I were playing, and my propensity for doubling was reinforced for good that very night by hers, I'd think it'd have been nearly impossible for that not to have happened. IIRC, she and I were partners and were also N-S. If nothing else, the bidding here probably got really fucking woolly.
Woolly indeed. Everyone has an opening bid, so who dealt ends up mattering a lot. East and South can both open 1NT, and West and North can both open preemptively with length. Any transfer bidding is going to get gummed up.
N-S has the advantage, I guess, with the major suit and with those lucky finesses. Either side could make 3NT too, looks like, especially if defenders take their high-card winners right away. E-W's diamond and club tenaces are perfect against South's leads. Pretty unlikely though that either side would wind up in such a moderate contract.
(Well, maybe West and North oughtn't to open with so few points, but I'd be tempted.)
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